Sunday, March 30, 2008

For U..

It doesn't matter if its now gone
doesn't matter that u were let down
doesn't matter that the heart is now in pieces
and ur wondering if she still misses.

All that you've given is worth more
not worth answering to get a score
I know it breaks u to see her go
but I just wanted to let u know.

There was love..but now its gone
don't blame the love cos its ur own,
don't blame ur life, just hang on
Friendship will help u move on.


Mahesh Devarajan said...

simple and beautiful. poetry is a gift and you have that gift. Keep writing.

Anonymous said...

:) at the risk of sounding repetitive. more simple and even more beautiful.

though it does make me wonder like 'mahesh' said, why do you keep writing almost exclusively on pathos :)

Spectator said...

this was quite optimistic.... does it work this way only in normal life?

Anonymous said...

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RP said...

nice one... can't get better.. simple yet profound.. hats off to your creativity...