Saturday, January 10, 2009

As a child I was made to believe
That destiny was yours alone to weave
Dreams were for a purpose
They were to be turned real for the world to see.
There was nothing I couldn't do
No restrictions whatsoever
Cos life was a game to be played
By looking in its eyes, not running for cover
No mistake was too small to be forgotten
Nor too big to be frowned upon
Each experience was a lesson
To be learnt from & then move on
Few words reassured me
Every time I was low
You are no less than anyone
Nor is anyone less than you
Treat all who come along with love
And forgive the hurtful few
When something ends, something new begins
Just hold on and you’ll know
When the heat becomes unbearable
It sure will start to snow…

1 comment:

guptaghosr said...

beautiful. made me remember my own convictions about some things.

times when things seem the most bleak are the ones that we go revisiting our long-lost beliefs about living.